3 Skills You Need Before Finishing Fashion School

Whether you are entering fashion school or are almost finished, you need to evaluate the courses you take and the skills you acquired to make sure you are well versed in different aspects of fashion. There are several skills that can affect your marketability and job prospects.


Although you may continue to do some design work by hand, more designers are using computer-aided drafting (CAD) programs from conception to completion of their designs. Designing in CAD produces less waste, both in terms of paper and fabric when you are creating different clothing items. You can use real-life people to create computer-generated models to test your designs on a wide range of body types. CAD provides designers with other realistic features, such as the simulation of fabric, conditions, and lighting. If you envision a flowy gown on the runway, simulating the conditions of the runway can help you choose the appropriate fabric before you ever start cutting pattern pieces.

Plus-Size Design

With more clothing lines being size-inclusive, you may be surprised that many fashion programs do not incorporate specific information relevant to designing for plus-sized bodies. The main reason larger people face struggles with finding clothing that fits well is that designers often test fit on smaller models and increase the size of the garment. This leads to awkward proportions and other problems. Designing for the plus-sized body is distinctly different and should involve fit models that are closer in size to the finished range in garments. For example, the size range of 14W–24W would likely have a fit model who is an 18W or 20W and scale the garments up and down so they fit appropriately.


Regardless of where you see yourself after graduation, you should have the necessary marketing skills to sell your designs. Many graduates of fashion school have aspirations of starting their own clothing lines, which entails being an entrepreneur. Knowing how to market yourself may help you land clients as an independent designer, but these skills can be an asset if you apply to jobs within a company. Additionally, other related skills, such as business, can help you if you do not immediately find a job in your field. If you have aspirations of working for a specific clothing company, business skills can be another way to get your foot in the door with your dream company.

Going to fashion school involves taking a wide range of courses to increase your chances of landing your dream job. Before you graduate, you need to make sure you have the skills necessary to be successful in any related job opportunity. Start checking out programs that will help you get your master's in fashion today.
